I have been mulling over this problem since I saw those photos of Fox's feet. The thing that bothers me the most is I can't tell when it all started. Has he always been like that or is there something that has happened with me that I haven't noticed? I think it was there before his accident in October as the physio mentioned that the mediolateral balance of those two feet were out in particular that back one. But she blamed it on the farrier which now I don't think is the case. Poor guy I feel a bit bad now. Not that he minded me not calling anymore cause Fox was a bit of a pain to do.
Another thing that makes me think it is a long term thing is that he's always been a pain with his back feet. Ever since I got him he's been giving farriers and trimmers and me grief. It was one of the things I attributed him to being a crazy horse. Now I'm not so sure and am more inclined to think that it is uncomfortable for him to lift his back legs like that.
I thought I knew about horses when I got Fox but never having owned my own, I always put the difficult stuff in other people's laps. Not intentionally but it was like they told me what to feed, what gear to use, the farrier looked after the feet etc. So in a lot of ways I was totally ignorant. Which is not excusing myself for not noticing it earlier, I just genuinely wouldn't have known what to look for.
From my research I kind of know what is wrong and the general outcome of these types of problems which isn't particularly good depending on where in the back/pelvis the problem actually is but I have no idea how to fix it. I am very reluctant to use the physio again as after the all this research, some of the things she says just seem like rubbish. But she is a qualified physiotherapist so I could be the one that is wrong. The only other local is the above farrier that the physio thought was doing a bad job. He does some chiro stuff with the local standardbred racing horses. But I have no idea what his knowledge is like. I used him at the start of the year when he said Fox's hip was out and put it back in. So he may be worth a try. The other person isn't a therapist as such but she has a heat gun thing that detects where inflammation is. But since I kind of already know where it is it might be pointless. I could be wrong though.
The really frustrating thing is I can do all the rehab I like, poles and hills and ponying him but none of it will change the fact that there is something actually wrong that this stuff just won't fix. And I guess it all boils down to money. If I had unlimited funds, I would be trying all these things just in case one of them would work. I would get his whole body x-rayed as long as it didn't require sedative LOL. But I don't. I run two horses on $80 a week which in the winter with the extra hay, doesn't stretch that far. When Smurf goes, which there is a good chance of as the lady decided the other horse was a bit green she just has to sell her current horse, it will free up a bit extra. Even if it was purely my own money, I would be making myself broke trying to sort his out but it isn't. And because the situation is no longer an emergency like it was in October, I don't get allocated anything extra. And if I could physically work extra hours I would but even the extra four I do really stretches things. I have six assignments due before the 6th of September plus all the required reading. According to my course notes I should be doing 40-50 hours study a week plus I work 20 hours a week, have a house to keep, horses and dogs to look after.
But pity party over, I chose all these things so basically I just have to suck it up and deal.
It's not so much a pity party, just using your blog to work through things. Good on you for caring so much!
ReplyDeleteFor what its worth, my vote would be to get in the qualified physio. Be careful about self-trained experts. See if you can find the source of the problem and work from there.
Best of luck.
I don't quite know how to put this..
ReplyDeleteIf he's learned to travel "sound" with his problems, I wouldn't mess with him too much.
I don't know enough of his history, but horses can and do manage quite well, even if they are slightly crooked, or even a lot crooked. It's when you try to "fix" them you can have problems.
Like a TB mare I rode, totally pigeon-toed, utterly sound. If the farrier had tried to "fix" her, he'd have lamed her..
I'm not saying this applies to Fox's case, at all.
Just saying..
Good luck with him, handsome fella he is.
Thanks Sharon, the blog definately helps sort things out in my head.
ReplyDeleteGood point GL, and if he was sound I wouldn't worry. He was pretty sound before October, if he did have any issues then no-one noticed or said anything. But since then he hasn't been. The stiffness and the funny walking, sometimes the lack of ability to even run and play in his paddock tells me that there is something more going on now.
Part of me just thinks maybe thats just how he's going to be for the rest of his life, no point trying to fix it. But I wouldn't feel ok with not even trying. If I try and every one says no this is it then I could leave it in peace. But the thought that just maybe there is something I can do will continue to spur me on.