Friday, August 6, 2010


Turned up at the paddock last night to find my crazy horse being, well a crazy horse. Running and kicking and bucking all over the show. This included sliding stops into the vicinity of fences. Far too close for comfort, not that that seemed to phase Fox at all. Despite my heart being in my throat watching his antics it was really nice to see him feeling good enough to have a good play.

We had some handwalking scheduled, (more on the rehab programme a bit later) and I have to say I was slightly nervous at the prospect of taking my very fresh horse for a walk. But he surprised me and apart from getting a bit pushy he was pretty good. Only a few minor spooks at I have no idea what. He was striding out so well that I was hurrying to keep up and he would have liked to have had a trot but I was in my gummies so no running for me.

I'm sure he's finally started to put on a bit of weight but I'll leave it for another few weeks before I call the physio. Hopefully he'll have filled out a wee bit more and will be starting to build some muscle so I won't have to be quite so embarrassed.

August rehab programme

Week 1 that we're part way through

Monday - Hand grazing
Tuesday - 20 minute handwalk
Wednesday - handgrazing with tennis ball massage
Thursday - 20 minute handwalk
Friday - Handgrazing with tennis ball massage
Saturday - Poles
Sunday - Clicker Training - going to work on the friendly game, standing at liberty for massage and picking up feet for now

Week 2

Monday - 30 minute handwalk with massage and stretches prior
Tuesday - handgrazing with tennis ball massage
Wednesday - 30 minute handwalk with massage and stretches prior
Thursday - handgrazing with tennis ball massage
Friday - handgrazing with tennis ball massage
Saturday - poles with massage and stretches prior
Sunday - Clicker training with massage included

Week 3

Monday - 30 minutes handwalking with massage and stretches
Tuesday - 30 minutes handwalking with massage and stretches
Wednesday - 30 minutes handwalking with massage and stretches
Thursday - handgrazing with tennis ball massage
Friday - Handgrazing with tennis ball massage
Saturday - poles with massage and stretches
Sunday - Clicker training with massage

Week 4 - get phsyio out and hopefully get cleared for riding

Monday - 30 minutes ridden walk with massage and stretches
Tuesday - 30 minutes handwalk with massage and stretches
Wednesday - 30 minutes ridden walk with massage and stretches
Thursday - handgrazing with tennis ball massage
Friday - handgrazing with tennis ball massage
Saturday - Ridden poles with massage and stretches
Sunday - clicker training with massage

September we will reassess and make adjustments depending on the progress of the previous weeks. If all has gone according to plan, add 5 minutes of trot and gradually build up.
I would also like to get a collection of poles that I can quickly put out without having to go the arena that I can incorporate in our handwalks, nothing too intensive, just enough to walk him over a few times. We'll still leave the big pole day to the Saturday but I think the extra times during the week would be beneficial. Thursdays and Fridays I work so don't have a lot of time before it gets pitch black but come September there might be enough light to do something a bit more significant. Not that Fox doesn't like getting out on yummy fresh grass.

And September is Spring YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Which means he probably won't need any extra grass as we'll most likely be overrun. Bring on the toxin binder BOOOOH!

I really REALLY want to be riding this Summer. Don't want to do anything fancy, just ride. Maybe get to the beach a few times, or the river. Just have fun. And at the end of Summer reassess again and see whether he would be able to start some low level dressage training again. Maybe even a wee bit of jumping.

So long term I'm hoping the plan will go something like this

August - start building muscle and fitness
September - start riding and introduce trot work
October - increase to longer rides with longer trot work
November - introduce circles and maybe canter is a straight line
December - Increase rides further, introduce light schooling
January, February - Fun times!

That's the ideal plan anyway and if takes longer then it takes longer. November may be to early to start circles but we'll just try and take it week by week, month by month, assessing the situation as we go.

There seems to quite a number of bloggers with horses in rehab and I just want to give a massive shout out to them. The commitment and time is intense, not to mention the cost. But good on you for sticking by your horses and seeing the process through.

I will admit that the thought of giving up has crossed my mind. Putting Fox in a boarding place and forgetting about it. But I love my big crazy horse and I love the time I spend with him so this schedule is a commitment to myself and to Fox that I will see this through.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So good to hear your boy is feeling well enough to be an idiot!
    The rehab plans sound very thorough and I don't think you really want to give up on him, do you?
    Keep us up with your progress.
    Sharon aka Trouble.
