The place I've had Fox for the last year hasn't really worked out unfortunately. A lot of the paddocks were resown and we completely ran out of grass. So we've been moving from paddock to paddock some more suitable than other but this last one really takes the cake.
We were told the only hazard in there was a old post hole. The day we were to move the horses, I walked the paddock and got the shock of my life.
Machinery, wire, pipes, posts with tin around them, pretty much anything you don't want in a horse paddock was in there.
Here is just a sample of what I found:
Pipe, just right for hooves getting stuck and legs cut.

More wonderful leg slicing materials

Warratahs freak me out after hearing a local story of a horse getting a fright in a storm and impaling itself on one of these. It had to be destroyed.
And best of all

Let me give you a close up of that blade.

So this and a few other issues including arena being constantly closed but only for us, nowhere to put our tack and feed but other people have places, our horses not being allowed in paddocks by the owners horse but other horses are fine and having to remove our poo from the property ourselves WTF..... means I'm having to look for new grazing.
The problem is that the only other place that has a decent facility, the owner is apparently a bit of a knob. I really don't want to move from one place I have problems to another place I'm going to have problems. But I may not have any other choice because I've had it with paying good money for a terrible service and ridiculous passive aggressive tactics.
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